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It has occurred to me that I spend an inordinate amount of time wishing for my life to be different and rejecting what is. I spend time...


I am implementing a new sequence of strategies to help me to attract more peace into my life. The first is to slow down in all aspects of...


This summer, my bookclub will be reading a "A Pace of Grace" by Linda Kavelin Popov. I had to smile with the appearance of grace this...


It is my families first Canada day celebration in Canada. We are like fish out of water watching and seeking to acquire a new tradition...


Yesterday was an exciting and long day. I am feeling the effects of a late night in my body and in my mind this morning. I have had a...


Last night I attended a virtues based connection circle entitled "How are you, really?". During my sharing space I chose this virtue of...


I felt a surge of energy after reading this card. I have been doing a lot of reading and listening to videos about using a new self...


A friend shared this quotation with me last week: "We would all tell the truth if we weren't going to loose something we thought was more...


Taking time to write this at 1pm in the afternoon as the day has just gotten away from me. There is another reason why I decided to write...


I have made some fairly important decisions recently that will impact me significantly over the next year. I applied for a legal masters...


It took me a while to figure out how nobility is relevant to me today but eventually it came to me. I am planning on visiting a friend...


Charity is generosity plain and simple. Today I am going to my landlords home to learn how to clean the Airbnb before the next guest...


I received this virtue card from a Jordanian friend this morning. As I read it, I knew this was exactly what I needed. So this is my...


Today is a Holy Day in my faith community. One that symbolises the interplay between crisis and victory. Historical chronicles tell me of...


I am back from a sojourn in the darkness of a cave. It felt at times safe and secure as I wallowed in a space designed only for me and by...


I had a meeting with a virtues group this morning and companioned a friend through fears around past suffering. I had not chosen a virtue...


What a spiritually charged weekend this is!! This is the exact virtue that is called for as the world celebrates significant and...


I missed my virtues post yesterday on account of succumbing to an inordinate amount of fear. It was probably a cumulative dose of anxiety...


This is a repeat virtue. There continues to be much to contemplate and ponder in life at the moment. So it is very necessary that I need...


A need a sign to wear today that reads, "Handle with care!" I feel fragile and sensitive as events and happenings contrary to my wishes...

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