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Writer's pictureOonagh


Let's all celebrate in service together!!

What a spiritually charged weekend this is!! This is the exact virtue that is called for as the world celebrates significant and transformational episodes in religious history. Episodes that have dramatically changed lives and propelled us to where we are today. A fresh capacity has been infused into the world because of these momentous events. Whatever I may achieve, the quality of my life comes from the quality of my contribution to life. In the sacred texts, I draw inspiration from the lives of those Illumined Souls who taught us about the truth of love, happiness and greatness. The Teachings that help me, in my inherent limited capacity, to understand the Divine and feel a longing to serve others. Happy Hanamatsuri to my Buddist friends, Happy Pesach to my Jewish friends, Happy Easter to my Christian friends, Happy Shab-e-Barat to my Muslim friends and Happy Ridvan to my Bahá'í friends!

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