“… the honor and distinction of the individual consist in this, that he among all the world’s multitudes should become a source of social good.” ~`Abdu’l-Baha

The opportunities to be of service in some shape or form are in abundance in and around us at all times. It is one of the ways that is sure to contribute to the betterment of the world. When we look outside of ourselves and cultivate more of an awareness around what may be helpful for others we accomplish two very important things; we take charge of our own spiritual growth and contribute to the transformation of society. These two processes go hand in hand. In recent experience, where discussions have centred around transforming an institution, altering its culture with the view of having a totally different relationship with the public are changes so radical in nature that we need to first take the time to look at what has already been accomplished and nurture the humility to know that in order to bring about something new, we need to look at how we can acquire new attitudes and qualities to introduce to the transformation process. This has been discussed much by thought thinkers but there has been no real method elucidated for us to be able to implement in our lives. Not to mention the fact that to speak on issues of a spiritual nature are so alien to us, where and how do we begin? To be able to introduce a sense of service into our lives we need to be able to look at the sense of our interconnectedness. If we cannot look at each other and see how we each need to adjust our own inner lens and look at the world in way that is more curious about our differences, celebrates our similarities and comes from a space of absolute love, we are not bring the change we seek but actually reinforcing division. Each of us needs each other to survive and we are really part of one human family. Yes, our thoughts, opinions and experiences differ but that is just a facade. We need to get beyond how we present outwardly and realise that inside is a beautiful representation of a human that is the essence of who we really are. The work that is required to bring about this heart opening approach is one that will take time. Conflict and oppression will not bring about the environment that will lead to this type of interaction. It will not take place as a result of a course it is a process that needs time, attention and lots of kindness and affection. They do not teach us this in the diversity, equity and inclusion training that may be circulated as a one size fits all approach. This conversation needs to be extended, we need to embrace the spiritual side of our beings and nourish it as this is from where our desire to treat one another equitably, stems. Our service needs to be free from our attachment to being right and any other prejudice to have the effect that we wish. The attitudes we seek to change have been four hundred years in the making, a quick fix will not leave a scratch.