A friend shared this quotation with me last week:
"We would all tell the truth if we weren't going to loose something we thought was more valuable."~ Byron Katie
Drawing responsibility this morning made me want to go and read this quote again. I am unable to be present for a meeting that I committed to this morning because of technology challenges of my own doing, I have overused my cellular data for the month so while I am out and about I will be unable to attend. Thoughts swirled through my head of excuses I could make to justify my absence for some other reason other than the reality of the situation. What was I going to loose by not being frank and honest? These friends of mine trust and respect me. There is no need to embellish, sugar coat or make up a story. When I took the time to think about it, the plain truth was what would bring me peace. It then made me wonder why is it I find that so difficult at times? How is it that I seem conditioned to have people view me in a certain way and not the whole of me, flaws and all? I think about this mask I wear, wanting the world to see only the good things and not the mistakes, darkness and mess. It is ironic how my disordered eating shows up very vividly because it alters my shape and size. This I cannot hide and it is very humbling. Try as I may to isolate the light beckons and it brings warmth and smiles. So I am showing up warts and all!!