It has occurred to me that I spend an inordinate amount of time wishing for my life to be different and rejecting what is. I spend time ensuring circumstances are such as to invite the outcomes that I would like and when that does not happen, then I am resentful, angry and sad. I spend a lot of time rejecting the lessons life brings, not seeing these teachers for what they are. I see how in this process of trying not to be with what is, I seek ways to escape that only serve to make the situation even more difficult. I was reacquainted last evening, with a phrase that I know helps me to practice humility when I am rejecting life as it has been bestowed; "Say: all things are of God." For me, it is like pouring water onto the flames of contention that burn fiercely in my head when I do not want to be with myself. It is a mantra I may adopt when I simply do not like myself because of something that was said or done. It reminds me to cast off the illusion that I am meant to be perfect, instead I am resilient. I will reflect on where I am today and see my successes, being ever thankful.
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