Despite the crisis we are living under, the scourge of prejudice that persists in societal structures and in the behaviour of certain...
Despite the crisis we are living under, the scourge of prejudice that persists in societal structures and in the behaviour of certain...
The impulse to go with my first reaction to any given situation is so very strong. Before I realise it the words are out of my mouth, my...
Writing my virtues musings here is something I feel called to do. Life has been a struggle lately, rather the manner in which I chose to...
Starting from the premise of wanting to making this world a better place, idealism breeds creativity, wonder and enthusiasm. As I strive...
I have joined my husband in listening and participating in aspects of a positive intelligence course he is taking. I took a quiz to...
I recently allowed fatigue and overdoing to momentarily divert me from believing in my nobility. My thoughts were scrambled due to a...
I have been working with my team on a particularly difficult problem. We were assigned this challenge in the latter part of 2019. We...
I think of myself as a peace builder. I honour the dignity of others and often remind them of it when they doubt themselves. But I also...
Last Monday morning as I set about in preparation to do my morning routine, the keyboard on my laptop was unresponsive. The only button...
Yesterday I attended the Virtues Regional Mentorship conference for North America. I was highly apprehensive about the length of the...
When this virtue appeared, after my random virtues pick, a few days ago I made an effort to complete the things that I had been thinking...
In the Baha'i calendar today is the first day of the month of Words [Kalimat]. I am choosing to be more considerate of the words (also...
There is a peace and hope that springs from practicing joyfulness. I find myself in the midst of some difficult things; having to contend...
In this time of uncertainty and pause, there has been time for me to look more closely at my community. It has been a mix of reactions as...
Creativity ebbs and flows for me in life. It is woven into my overall emotional state and spiritual health. During times of positivity,...
Thankfulness is conducive to bounty, gratitude brings about prosperity. I have read much about the unique and somewhat unexpected...
I have been asked to collaborate with others to bring greater awareness to the need for unity in our community and need to eradicate...
It has been too long since I have been here in this space to sort through my feelings with the help of a virtue. So much has happened, so...
The longer I held on to this card the heavier the accountability tests became. These tests were in all shapes and forms from parenting to...
I have a headache that is throbbing in my forehead. I am not a frequent headache sufferer unless I have brought it upon myself by eating...