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Writer's pictureOonagh


I am optimistic and hopeful

There is a peace and hope that springs from practicing joyfulness. I find myself in the midst of some difficult things; having to contend with contention in my community, people's opinions on the pandemic and race amity, parenting strifes that put emotional distance between one of my sons and me... I could go on! Despite these ongoing matters in which I have had to show up and actively engage with personalities and opinions so distinct from my own, that have led to disagreements and sadness - there is a strange deep feeling of hope that these issues will resolve with time and love. I need not be anxious to rush and desire to have everything put right now, but to rely on the undeniable fact that God has it all in hand and I am being called to practice my virtues. It is a growing period to strengthen in joyfulness and it seems counterintuitive that pain is a part of the process. How else would I be able to appreciate and search out this somewhat elusive state of wellbeing? I have confirmation it exists! When I hold joy lightly in the very depths of my heart it is steady and is the source from which I soar.

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1 Comment

Jul 10, 2020

As I was reading this I was reminded of a song “He’s got the whole world in his hands“

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