Despite the crisis we are living under, the scourge of prejudice that persists in societal structures and in the behaviour of certain folks, the natural world is a source of peace, loveliness and rejuvenation for me. For the past two weeks I have been walking with a friend in the late afternoon. We devised this plan to shake up our daily routine and the rut in which we found ourselves. After having dealt with the stresses of the day, we felt we were in need of a change of scenery - being inside all day was having the effect of pulling us down and we needed something to raising our spirits. We needed to inject some fresh air, to see flowers, the sky and whatever creatures we could, to draw us out of a negative spiral that I experienced in the late afternoon. We have been doing this now for the past two weeks. Getting out, walking briskly to get our heart rates up. This has had a marvelous effect on my outlook on life. The greatest gift is that my friend and I have an opportunity to deepen our bonds of friendship. As the card says - beauty brings connection. This has become a space for us to vent if needed, question our limited perspectives and challenge ourselves to look at things differently. Being outside opens up my mind to other points of view and opinions, takes me beyond the often narrow confines of my own thinking to allow for the beauty of diverse thoughts. These thoughts then become creative ideas to improve myself, my environment and the manner in which I interact with all those I meet. My energy feels more vital and vibrant. My soul is getting what it craves.
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