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Writer's pictureOonagh


Persevering through what has come...

I recently allowed fatigue and overdoing to momentarily divert me from believing in my nobility. My thoughts were scrambled due to a frazzled sleep deprived brain and instead of simply getting an early night I sought to accomplish more and more things sending my energy reserves well past depletion mode. The result was not pretty but deserves reflection this morning. There are times when I can will into being energy from nowhere but this was not one of those times. I had no reason to push myself so relentlessly. I have had an emotionally taxing couple of weeks and have given more of myself than I can ever remember doing in the past. I felt exhausted but in that " I am making some very valuable progress" kind of way. Fact is that the exertion I had put into activities that were filling me up were at the same time draining me ... if that makes any sense. I was heedless of the need to replenish my reserves. I remain ever confident that I am on the right path and the activities that I am choosing to undertake are leading me in the direction that feels right. I am using this blog post to read my emotional reality and acknowledge that I need to schedule in some time to refresh, renew and reset my own resources and pace myself. I seem to be approaching things in the "Rome can built in a day" context! Lessons to be learned from this recent meltdown abound.

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2 comentarios

Lynda Brooke
Lynda Brooke
10 ago 2020

I see your humility in accepting responsibility for how you are feeling and your gratitude for the wisdom available from experience.

Me gusta

10 ago 2020

Wow. Great insight and reflection.

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