In this time of uncertainty and pause, there has been time for me to look more closely at my community. It has been a mix of reactions as people struggle to survive spiritual, physical and emotional tests. This pandemic has unearthed and highlight prejudices in ways we had not considered. It is making me face that I must change my manner of approach, change is inevitable and the status quo has been shaken and turned up side down. As I read and learn from others I see that I have a part to play. My own part does not look like others, it is unique and valuable. I have ideas that I share with others and collaborate with them on projects to help us be more friendly, loving and understanding. In some circles where I have shared my ideas and challenged the standard way of doing things, I have met inevitable resistance but this is part of the process. The Oonagh before the pandemic would have internalised this resistance as being about me, a rejection of my approach or just a rejection of who I am as I a person. But with newfound wisdom and courage born of learning in action and the emerging overflowing confidence in myself, I can see this as simply a requisite part of the process of change. I am learning to assert this new way of being also in parenting. Seeing and nurturing the confidence and enthusiasm in my boys and taking a stand when their judgement is so obviously clouded by self interest and ego. To not shy away from expressing my own opinion but knowing, ultimately, that they have to make their own decisions.