I have been pondering about the import of a short clip by Maya Angelou entitled "I am Human". In this clip she refers to a quote by the Roman playwright, Terrence, "I am a human being, and I think nothing human can be alien to me". This evokes so many different thoughts and feelings for me but above all humility. Practicing wonder involves living reflectively and as I think about this statement, about the horrible and wonderful things that human beings have done, I see the meaning in it all. All of these behaviours, thoughts and actions are within me, in potential. Whether good or bad they seek expression and I can access them if I dare. It is amazing to me to view human behaviour in this way as it emphasises the free will we all have been bestowed to give expression to our choices. All the components of expression, insight, love and understanding that I so admire in Maya Angelou are in me, conversely the brutality and bigotry of the slave owner, the vicious racism and prejudice of people, are also within me. I have within me all the components that they had/have in them. I desire to use my energies constructively. Do I dare to be bigger than the condition into which I was born? What does that even look like? At first blush it seems impossible to be or do, but when it comes down to the thoughts and actions that are required to build a life of greatness, honour, respect, forgiveness and humility - is it not the simple act of practicing the virtues each and every day? I can stretch myself, and strive to ensure that my thoughts and actions are composed of what is good in human beings, these spiritual qualities we have been given the unique and exalted destiny to possess. This, I believe, is where the wonder lies in the requirement in my Faith to read the Holy Word each day. To remind me every morning and evening, lest I forget the vision of the human being I am capable of becoming. And as I read from sacred texts, I meditate on these words and find ways to give them life from off the page. I have the amazing power to think it into existence. It is the daily orientation of my mind because the interactions I have in the world cause me to forget and seek out the baser nature of the hateful slave owner. It is the hot stove to my bare hand. Dare I intercept these enticing and irresistible thoughts and replace them with thoughts of love, kindness and respect? Characterising it in this way gives me a very clear image of my choices. This, for me, has been the unraveling, uncovering and detangling of one of the many mysteries of life, and it is wonderful to appreciate how understanding advances. Life is amazing!