I have heard a set of circumstances of which I had had some knowledge, but was not in possession of all of the facts. Those involved are reluctant to share the explicit details with me for fear of harsh consequences, and others are simply heedless of how the factual matrix of this situation is not to be a component of making this world a better place. It seems a hopeless situation but my sense of justice and fairness compels me to work toward its improvement. In asking for a virtue to help me navigate through this situation and be of some assistance, understanding directs me to the importance of consultation. I need to seek out the thoughts and opinions of others and bring their experience to bear on comprehending the full truth, detaching from the strong emotional storm that has raged inside of me and see the whole picture. I have to be open to the fact that the lens through which I am viewing all of this is tainted by my own prejudice and self interest. I would like for this not to be the case, as much as it is painful to hear the suffering and ill treatment of dearly cherished souls. Consultation illumines one's understanding, tempers and exposes any bias and is a most treasured tool of building unity. How do I help others to also see clearly that this is not a case of winners and losers, superior and inferior, rich and poor; but one in which, if allowed to continue we all lose? Appealing to hearts in the midst of an arena segregated from human emotion and dignity is a challenge but this is exactly what I am learning in my coaching course, that such business models are unsustainable if divorced from the very fabric of what makes us uniquely human. The Baha'i Writings illustrate that pure virtue and stainless holiness must be a feature of all of our interactions. What I do understand is that I only have control over the energy that I bring to bear on this situation and it must be characterised by purity.