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Writer's pictureOonagh


Giving importance to things beyond oneself.

When our stories are shared with our friends, families, acquaintances we open up a window in our hearts to others. We let them in to see the most secret and vulnerable parts of ourselves. It is scary and comes with much trepidation on my part. More importantly I have learned that it is a requisite of the healing process. Our wounds are deep and some were inflicted hundreds of years ago and emit pain to this very day. Having been passed from generation to generation we take on the thoughts, behaviours of those who have gone before us and do so with out much thought as to the effect our actions have on others or indeed on ourselves. It is impulse driven. We blow our pain through others and they in turn do the same with the next generation. This needs to stop and begins with me. Being aware that I have inherited trauma empowers me to deal with it, as painful as it is and clear the many ways that it hijacks my words and my emotions, expressing them in ways that do not support the nobility of my character or the humanity in others. I am not able to control the thoughts and behaviours of other people. What I can do is to ensure that the manner in which I respond to them and what they do, does not debase myself. To share my mistakes, failings and flaws and share how I what I have learned about them, explain the tools that I have used to do so, is beneficial to me and others. This is one way I may support the trajectory of humanity toward oneness.

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"This needs to stop and begins with me." It is the personal recognition of this inherent truth, and what we do with it that can change a world. We can't do it alone, but only when we, the individual, takes the first step to align with others with that same goal can we begin to move forward.

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