It is easy to think about the superficial meaning of what it means to be thankful and see how it is a practice I may adopt today for all that life has bestowed on me. Lately, I have been on a mission to look more deeply at these virtues as they appear and seek to discern the subtle silken thread of wisdom that the significance of their appearance imparts. What is the spiritual essence of being thankful and why is it essential to practice? I am currently in a learning space seeking to understand how I may better explain to others that in order to bring about the sort of change in the world that we desire, we have to alter our thinking so that our actions and our way of being in the world creates the interactions that will lead to building the sort of world where the well-being of every person is considered to be important. This requires me to not only understand what thankfulness is, but to internalise it as a necessary quality that I must practice. In thinking about it and with some deliberate focussed effort to practice it, what I put out into the world will be contributing to its betterment. When I consider that I have all the basic necessities of life, there is no necessary thing that I am in need of, I can let go of my desire to have and want more, appreciating that these insistent feelings are based and perpetuated by a world that promotes and furthers qualities that are the antithesis of being a conscious social actor focused on building unity. Orienting my thoughts in the opposite direction is no easy task but the end result is that I am more understanding of others. I am reminded about my husband's car accident the other day and intuitively know that there is some benefit to its happening. I am thankful that he is safe, not seriously hurt and is able to fulfill his responsibilities to a job he loves. The knowledge of this keeps me focused on the fact that the future is bright, difficulties do pass away and joy is there for the taking whenever I choose it. I took a break in typing this entry to put out my trash, compost and recyclable items. I received a smile from a neighbour heading to work in their car, I returned the smile and it lifted my spirits. It is a beautiful Monday morning and the sun made the whole world smile. For me, this is the simplicity of thankfulness in action. Also there was a car I did not recognise nearby and as I made the many trips to get all of my items situated for collection, I noticed the driver was rifling through a neighbours recyclables and collecting cans and bottles. I was a little quizzical about it and then realised he was collecting beer cans and beer bottles. I believe that money may be redeemed for the return of these items, this was my assumption and of course I may be entirely incorrect. In any event, he is a human being making his way through this world the best way he knows how. I can have empathy toward this soul and wish him well in life.