Steadfastness appears again today and I know exactly what is its purpose. I read yesterday about the dynamic relationship between what may be described as our lower nature (our ego side our ourselves that harbours thoughts of envy, jealousy, arrogance, pride, anger etc) and our higher nature (where qualities of love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, empathy dwell). The quotation used the analogy of the hunter for our lower nature and prey for our higher nature. It imparted that this relationship is ongoing, continuous and insistent. This analogy really took ahold visually in my head and I had thoughts of how I must constantly strengthen, train and fortify my higher nature to be faster, agile and energetic in order to out pace my lower nature. I will get caught and make mistakes, but I do not need to remain in its snares but extricate myself get up, brush myself off and run once more. This is the power that I have. This seems like an exhausting process but I realise this is indicative of the effort that I am being called to exert on a daily basis. The virtues are the tools that aid me to move fast and stealthily. The more intentional I am about my practice and share my enthusiasm with others, the more I feed my higher nature to ensure that it has the energy to be swift. I am sharing these thoughts with others in a space I have created. As I prepared for yesterday's workshop I had thoughts of how is it that I can be charismatic and engaging that the participants will want more and be willing to pay a fee. I was so caught up in the material side of things that I lost sight of why it was I am doing it in the first place. That was my lower nature ensnaring my higher nature, I now know. Some kind words from a friend reminded me of my purpose and as I intentionally shifted my energy, I went on to enjoy my workshop and the participants that attended and share from my heart. I was up and running once more. Steadfastness ensures that I take the time to consider strengthening my higher nature and equip it with endurance and speed.
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