I felt that I was unduly harsh with my words to a friend yesterday. It bothered me all day and then I drew sincerity. I instantly knew that it was my work to make amends for what I felt was unkindness. I made it happen in our interaction today and let her know that I value the connection that we have. It felt good to be open and honest with her. I was not concerned with what her reaction would be but only that I was sincere in letting her know how much I valued her friendship. Life is simple these days in terms of food, thoughts and actions. I know this state of affairs will change but I feel like things will work out here for my family. It does not look anything like what I had imagined it would, but that is some how intriguing. It reminds me to rid my mind of my preconceived ideas and remain open to reality. I find I am content to be me!
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