"Shed the light of boundless love on every human being whom you meet." ~`Abdu'l-Baha

As the Baha'i world commemorates the centenary of the passing of the Master, `Abdu'l-Baha - the son of the prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith, Baha'u'llah - many opportunities arise to reflect on the extraordinary aspects of a tremendous Life. He epitomised being content with the basic gifts that life had to offer. In the face of such tribulations and hostility from all quarters, He brought joy to those around Him and helped them to endure successive hardships. We have few examples of those facing such torment in life and emerging from such experiences with a strong determination to bring about the well being of others, and turning toward those who inflicted such pain with a countenance of love and forgiveness. One of His most effective tools in countering the onslaught of troubles was to shower everyone with love. Those who associated with Him most closely describe the unlimited and infinite love He poured on whomever he met. This had the effect of disarming everyone, it tenderised hearts, opened eyes to view the world differently and dispelled hate in some of the naysayers. What is amazing is that this was not always an immediate reaction of the recipients of His love. It may have taken years in some cases, to enable the layers of hatred to dissipate and give way to more gentle feelings. Although people reacted differently depending on what they thought about `Abdu'l-Baha, what was constant was the way He treated others. Whether to those known to Him or strangers, this outpouring of love was His signature. What may it have been like to be His presence? We are blessed with the accounts of those who were most fortunate to bask in this love and read the effect it had on their hearts. After His passing in 1921, these accounts are the most precious memories that were gifted to posterity to help us understand a little more about this Personage and share it with future generations. This year, as stories have been shared abundantly, too many to count, some popular ones and other more obscure memories, it has had the effect of exposing the extent of how truly remarkable `Abdu'l-Baha was. We have no other equivalent person in our religious history. In contemplating His achievements and character, we have a true hero to emulate, a single point on which to concentrate and replicate the manner and way in which He showed us how to be the individuals that His Father, Baha'u'llah, desired for us and for the betterment of the world.