After a late night meeting concerned with discussing strategies and concepts that will aid in the effectiveness of community building work, it is appropriate for me to be reminded of the importance of sacrifice. As I dragged my sleep deprived body out of bed to face a day that has an important and key weekend meeting for the development of our community, I am humbled by remembering the dedication, humility and effort of those central to the Baha'i Faith. For these pure and radiant souls it was their lives that were sacrificed. Our international faith community was recently given the gift of newly translated Writings. These words are in the form of letters or tablets written to others and recalling the trials and tribulations, of birthing a new religion by the Prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith - Baha'u'llah, written by His eldest son, His successor and Interpreter, 'Abdu'l-Baha. I have only begun to read these beautiful and timeless words and what it evokes in me is a sense of need and longing to do more, to strive with every fibre of my being to share the principles of the Faith that when openly considered and consulted, will be the means of bringing about the social transformation of society that we all so desperately crave. I am thinking in particular of my diversity and inclusion work and how foundational it is to relationships we need to forge in our communities. It is convenient and popular to discount religious principles when it comes to business or governance. As I read more and my understanding incrementally advances, I see the error and foolhardiness in this arrogant posture. We are depriving ourselves of insights and vistas of prosperity and well-being of not just a few but the entire world. Yes! It means that the significance of sacrifice will be all the more greater for those of us who have enjoyed prosperity at the expense of the livelihood of others. That we will have to shake off our inertia and learn to be less self-centred and more outward-looking. So I will endure my sleep deprivation and appreciate the unique and honourable opportunity I have today to arise to embody and translate into action these world-saving and life-giving principles.