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Writer's pictureOonagh


burning away the outer casing

Day 2 of the Fast

I have been thinking about the importance of sacrifice this morning and all the areas of my life where I may practice this virtue more intentionally. I heed the call and insistence of my lower nature constantly through out the day and often I obliviously follow where it leads, appeasing it's wants and needs. I just do those things, be it respond harshly, being judgmental or rush to conclusions that are only supported by my very limited outlook. As I take a closer look at these tendencies and strive to lessen their effect, I see how insidious it can become when rooted in my thoughts and actions. It infects all of my actions throughout the day and now I am gifted with this fasting time to give more thought to what I say and do. I think about my pattern over the past year to be so swept up in what people may think or feel about me and how that is internalised and used by me to justify attacking myself. Am I willing to give up the need to be right always and accept that another way is better? I do not have all the answers to what may be next on the horizon work wise but to be content that with effort and diligence the direction in which I am meant to head will be made clear in due course. I often am uncomfortable with the feelings of not knowing that I sabotage the progress that I have made. To hold patience delicately and savour it is what I need to practice. To push aside the false notions of what success looks like and simply do my very best. My thoughts are scattered as I see ways in which the increase of sacrifice is so very essential to rid me of those impurities that serve to keep my stuck in negative ways. Instead I seek contentment.

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