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Writer's pictureOonagh


Raising the quality of my life!

This virtue evokes much meaning, thought and consequently directs my behaviour. I am one of those people who restores and rejuvenates my energy supplies in solitude. My husband is the polar opposite to me and needs social interaction to restore himself. Early on in our marriage, this was the source of some conflict but as we explored our differing natures we learned to appreciate and support the other in what they needed to refresh. It is not that I do not enjoy and seek the company of others. I love spending time with people. When I am fatigued or mentally exhausted however, I need some alone time to recuperate and refill my cup. One of the ways I do this by taking a walk. I am very grateful to have a lovely walking area that a river runs through and where wildlife gather. I actually do a few things at once by going for a walk. I expose myself to the natural elements which is so refreshing; and I observe the beauty that nature designs as I take time to observe and drink it in. I take time several times a day to turn to prayer. I believe that the power of prayer serves to shield, guide and inspire me. I am certain I am not aware of the immense spiritual potential of praying, but I know I have been an eager beneficiary of its effects. Nurturing my inner life in these ways nourishes me and I grow in the appreciation of the synergy of the world. I know what if feels like when I do not practice reverence, it is hard for me to get going, despair seems not to shift and I spiral in the vortex of negative thinking. It takes daily exertion to keep these feelings at bay but it is worth it. I know that the practice of reverence brings out the best in me. I enables me to raise the quality of my life to its true value.

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