Consider what marvellous changes would be effected if the beloved of the Merciful conducted themselves, both in their individual and collective capacities, in accordance with the counsels and exhortations which have streamed from the Pen of Glory. (From a letter dated 12 January 1923 written by Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'ís of Persia - translated from the Persian)

When I see people in pain or hurting I instinctively want to do something to alleviate their suffering. I rush to say or do something to bring them some relief or joy. I do this a lot and although it may seem that this is commendable on the surface there is an element to this rushing to rescue a wounded heart that the card of responsibility calls me to consider. It explains how one needs to discern what is my responsibility and what is their responsibility. We cannot do someone else's spiritual work for them and when we do so we deprive them of the opportunity to grow. This is such a conundrum for me in some situations as I have difficulty in discerning what is mine to do and what is someone else's work! It is the pleaser in me that I need to wrestle with in situations like this. Perhaps the question I may pose to tease out a sign would be to address my pleasing tendencies directly. When I have not heard from someone for some time and that person is in the habit of reaching out regularly, I begin to feel that perhaps they are upset with me. I know we will connect some time this week but it has begun to bother me as they have not been in touch as usual. What is the reason for my uneasiness? I want to assure myself that everything is fine between us as I know that when we last interacted there were some tense moments and they may be trying to work through some of what was said. There is a part of me that wants to soothe and make right but that work is within the realm of their spiritual work and they will need to move through the hard things for themselves. How very difficult this exercise can be! What is important for me to remember is that I must show love no matter what and when our next opportunity to connect may be. All of this of course is in my head and out of these thoughts expectations are then created which have the power to alter my state of being. My responsibility is to be loving no matter what the content of my storied head! I am certain I have made no mistake or injured a heart so I may lean into that chasm of patience, certain that my friend will find their way through to connect once more. It is so insidious how fear has the power to hijack so many of my thoughts and the actions that result from them. The practice of responsibility gives me the mechanism to move past my fears and settle into my own lane with confidence.