"Firmness and steadfastness, however, are necessary, otherwise it will continue for some time, but later be gradually forgotten. Perseverance is an essential condition. In every project firmness and steadfastness will undoubtedly lead to good results; otherwise it will exist for some days, and then be discontinued." ~‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 143

I have the feeling that I have once more found my footing on the path that moves my life forward. It feels firm and familiar. Every step forward, though tentative and unsteady, is gradually becoming more steady and confident. For example, I have rekindled my joy of food preparation. The universe knows exactly what is needed to guide and support me forward. Perseverance is the foothold that appears in a climb up a steep cliff. It helps my rhythm develop that smooths over the obstacles that will inevitably appear or have already appeared. It whispers gently to me, "you've got this, keep going!" It boosts me up and lets me know that I am not alone. As the weather grows cooler, the sun rises later and sets earlier, preparation for the onset of winter begins. This Fall period offers more time for silent contemplation and pondering. I find it is easier to cosy up with a blanket and read or journal my thoughts. Being a homebody, I have to ensure that I schedule time with others. I can forget that I need connection to nourish the yearning to receive and give love. To keep my mind ticking over more positively, these precious connections fill me up and leave me satiated for a time. I will persevere in connecting in such ways. Now that the house has emptied until the holiday season, there is time to build a solid framework for myself to support my own well being. This is nothing new but needs reinforcing and perhaps new struts added. I can fall into the mindset that I only need to reconstruct those parts that have visibly broken off, but what of those areas that are simply weak and need a more discerning eye to see them? It is these areas that need my time and effort during these thoughtful days of autumn. It is the patient pursuit of a goal that I will constantly need to repeat as a mantra until my mind takes hold of it and understands. In my younger years I used to sprint for my school in competitions. Physically and mentally I do short, sharp bursts of energy very well. I was not a long distance runner who could conserve energy over a long time and pull out a sprint at the end. As I write this though, I realise that even to sprint, although the race is short lived, the preparation for that explosive moment is long. It required conditioning, both physically and mentally, to perform. I am in the conditioning phase. The goal has been set, the preparation has begun and along the way important milestones will be reached. I am committed to moving ahead.
The old adage, "slow and steady wins the race" seems to apply here. Onward and upward. Hugs.