"So let us try, as an experiment, peace, and if the results of peace are bad, then we can choose if it would be better to go back to the old state of war! Let us in any case make the experiment. If we see that unity brings Light we shall continue it. For six thousand years we have been walking on the left-hand path; let us walk on the right-hand path now. We have passed many centuries in darkness, let us advance towards the light."
~‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London, p. 61

Look at the leaves
as they flutter and fly
gently swaying, bending
and fanning.
They exude peace in their
colour, form and movement
reminding us that when we
are content with being,
that there is life to live to its
fullest. They harmonize with the
wind as it moves them around
gently at times and at others more
forcefully. There is no resistance
only acceptance, a graceful dance
that once the wind calms and settles
lulls into stillness,.
Oh to take the leaves as an example
of living with peacefulness, they live
together in harmony and accord taking
their direction from the dictates of nature
delighting us with their presence.
When it is their time to fall, they
twirl and fly gently to the ground,
showcasing their beauty in an autumn
drama, a theatrical display.
During the winter
when the trees are bare
we miss their lustre and fullness
bringing shape and body to the
bareness of the branches.
We, human beings, are the leaves of the world
bringing diversity, shape and vitality.
The winds of change bend us but we
do not break, we are resourceful, resilient
and rejuvenated. Seasons come and go
and we find ways to work together.
To bring forth through unity, light and love.
We are leaves, see our beauty watch us fly!