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Writer's pictureOonagh


There is magic in being bold!

I woke up this morning with many ideas of ways to move projects forward, to reach out to those people that I have been thinking about contacting and had only gone so far as to imagine conversations in my head. It was funny then how this virtue showed up as the focus for today. I had already been feeling its effects. Some of the ideas I have are untried and will be clearing a new path for my community. There will be many challenges ahead which when tackled along with friends, will be golden opportunities to something bigger and more beautiful. I do get bogged down by the obstacles that get in the way and momentarily my optimism wanes, but I have learned and continue to be inspired by the endless reservoir of hope when I call on the assistance of the Divine. It may seem weird or alien to some but for me, I am nothing with out God's help. It gives me the strength I need to get through the day and weather the storms that inevitably come my way. I am tested in my reliance and I buckle under tests, but I know that I will come out stronger with a greater sense of resilience on the other side of it. Having original ideas is very much like this, but there is this inner joy that not even the loudest naysayers can dim. Today, I am blazing a trail!

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