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Writer's pictureOonagh


Daring to have big dreams!

When someone is hurt and upset at the world and everyone in it, how do you ensure that your actions do not exacerbate their feelings? What do you do when simply being yourself and sharing kindness and love seem to be the very thing that fuels their negativity? How do you help shift them into positivity? These are some very troubled waters I am presently navigating. My Mum always says kill them with kindness no matter what their reaction may be. I can't help wondering if it is enough. Is there something more I can do? Idealism is a strength virtue of mine. I have this urge to make a difference in all of the interactions that I have. I have to balance this yearning to share positivity with everyone against the strong sense of control I also feel. The vision is before me but at times the actions to strive to attain that vision elude me. I am learning to detach from the need to see results. Sometimes when I plant the seed the ground is not prepared to accept it and I do not see the results I expect. This is where I turn to patience and hope. At least I am learning to not expect immediate gratification, to accept that in this world things take time, love and continued nurturing - even when it seems hopeless. When I work to make a difference, it is a gradual systematic exertion of energy that is the putting of my principles in to action.

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Dec 08, 2020

You're singing my song.

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