As the precipitous effects of racial tensions make its way into the international news media once more and we learn about the senseless loss of the life of a child, my heart is heavy and my sense of purpose is heightened. How long must we continue to deny the humanity of one another? I am not one to immerse myself in the plethora of information about the many prejudices and injustices that emanate from the media, as I have often come away full of anger and rising hatred. The opinions and objectives of news outlets and individuals is tainted with self interest that seems not to wish to promote the broader concerns of mankind. The media possesses the power to provide us with material that will encourage people to seek personal development and lend a hand to making changes in their communities by sharing information that will promote and inspire us to heal these gaping wounds that we harbour. The world stands in need of hope and strength that is born of a spirit of faith. We need to hear, read and see how unity may be fostered in the face of division, ways in which we may build and strengthen knowledge and understanding among each other and learn from communities that have cultivated spaces for collective worship to foster spiritual consciousness, tranquility, confidence and reliance on God. As we face this insidious spiritual disease that is racism, our remedial efforts necessitate the cultivation of spiritual qualities. Dr. Martin Luther King jr. wrote that we are all inter-related: "Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be..." Rising above our individualistic concerns takes awareness and constant, relentless exertion and effort. This is the work that humanity calls me to acknowledge and accept as a mantle. What this looks like from a practical standpoint for me today as I think about the spaces in which I am required to be and the folks I will be interacting with, is to value them as individuals, refraining from the insidious nature of prejudice that serves to only perpetuate and confirm "othering". What I mean is that they may say something that I disagree with or something that hurts me, it is these times when I need my humanity most to forgive, to see past what they do and instead value who they are. Additionally, I am reminded that I have the spectrum of human behaviour within me. I possess the power to display negativity and often do. I am no different than they are and this sentiment automatically produces humility. We are all connected and can solve our difficulties together.
MLK Jr. was correct. The western model, especially the north American one, is rooted in competition. Until we grow to understand the the benefit for one is often the benefit for the many, and learn that cooperation is more productive than competition, even in business, we will all keep suffering far more than we need to.