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Writer's pictureOonagh


Connecting sincerely

The inevitability of change surprises me when it is thrust almost unexpectedly upon me. I am at a crossroads, where I have been afforded an opportunity to decide how it is I wish to channel my time in this season of my life. I have been enjoying the cocoon that the pandemic has shrouded me in these past nine months and now it is time to emerge. I was thinking these thoughts as I went about my virtues pick this morning. This card is a confirmation that I feel drawn to working with individuals and groups of people to learn about how it is we may intentionally cultivate a deeper sense of community amongst us. How do we learn to connect on a level that transcends the superficial and opens our hearts to the wonder that is present in each of us? This is the question guiding my search for work in the fast approaching year of 2021. I have noticed that most people I encounter are willing to engage in a conversation of this nature but it is not commonplace as we go about our daily lives. How do we make it front and centre of our concerns so that we may derive more fulfillment in our own lives? These rhetorical questions will inevitably cause me to strengthen my concept of this virtue. I have a lot to learn about refraining from prejudice that inhibits the expression of humanity in my life. Letting go of my individualistic concerns is key! Opening to the efforts that we all make is what will enable sincere and meaningful connection.

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1 Comment

Dec 19, 2020

I wonder if an unexpected benefit of Covid may be that people begin to value relationships more and so will be more interested in such deeper conversations.

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