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Writer's pictureOonagh


content to be me!

In the past, I have tried to launch a virtues coaching business, around the time I launched this website, seeking to want to share the importance of developing the virtues in peoples' lives and enable access to the same benefits that I derive from them. At that time, I lacked the confidence, business acumen and assertiveness to pursue it. But it surfaced again this week, and my husband raised it in conversation with me as an area where I have proven experience, knowledge and positive energy. I have been refining my craft over these past months having been afforded the space and time whilst sheltering in place. I have openly shared my passion for selecting a virtue for the day and openly explaining how it guides my way. I believe that I have what it takes to make this work. I still hear the voices of the naysayers in my head, that whisper that I am unworthy. I know they are just concerned that my heart may be broken. Who knows? It may well be the case, but from a broken heart and dashed dreams something else may be revealed and I am open to turning that into an opportunity. It is true I do not know what the future holds but I would like it to be full of work that I enjoy, work from which I derive energy and can serve to uplift people spiritually. So I am stepping into my vulnerability and pursuing a path that resonates with me. There is value in who I am and I have this wonderful gift to share!

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Dec 30, 2020

I find it interesting that so often others see our value far more accurately than we do. I've no doubt you have what it takes.


Dec 30, 2020

A perspective that opens the sage. As you step into vulnerability path that resonates.

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