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Writer's pictureOonagh


little by little, making a difference

Pre-pandemic, helpfulness consisted of mostly physical acts that we could do for one another - opening doors, picking up something when someone dropped it, carrying bags, assisting with strollers etc. Now that we are maintaining physical distance from one another, we have opportunities to become creative with the ways in which we offer help. It looks so different to us now and change can be unwelcome, particularly when we have not actively sought it. Some people may feel that because it is not readily visible that therefore such manner of being helpful do not even exist. It is amazing how when we step into the spiritual characterisation of this virtue that it opens up so many possibilities that we may help each other to access. When examined a little more closely, I believe that the challenge of physical distance opens up the possibility for spiritual closeness. Our hearts are in dire need of love, forgiveness, kindness and care. This can be offered through virtual visits, conversations that break through the superficial facades we hide behind and delve deeper beyond the focus on our own selves. To offer words of hope and healing prayers has been my go to method of striving to connect with others. It is tricky to meet others in the virtual environment but using the social media tools that are out there, though daunting, has offered up many possibilities. Yet I can do more. I can share the information about the various spaces for prayer that exist to invite friends, family and acquaintances to experience the Words of God wash over them and feel their healing qualities. I know there are circles that I am a part of where I have not shared this information. The practice of helpfulness reminds me to share the love.

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