It is a wonderful thing when the next generation reaches that stage in their lives when they start a family. Last year we welcomed our first grandchild. Circumstances prevent us from being more present in his life but the very fact that he exists is a thing of beauty and joy. I have held him and interacted with him and seen how delighted his parents are as he grows and develops. The sheer joy and delight he delivers with every smile is infectious. We recently discovered that he is to be a big brother to twins. How instinctively my mind goes to being sorrowful about the relationship I would like to have and the circumstances that render these expectations impossible. Oh how I wish things were different...and then gratitude shows up to help me view things from a different frame of reference. When I look at the situation through its lens, I am being encouraged to feel the joy that this welcome news brings. To appreciate the celebration of life that is possible and may be made possible if I am open to it. How abundant are life's gifts when I truly see what it is that I am being offered. The period of this life is fleeting and how much time have I wasted in being unhappy because things have not gone the way that I have wanted them to go. What sadness could have been averted if I took the time to find the good in the situation and focus on the happiness that may result from it. Gratitude calls me to look forward, to see and appreciate all that happens, to see past the hurt and turmoil that tests often bring and seek to find the lesson that is hidden inside. When I take the time to do this and tear myself away from my negative thoughts, I feel lighter. This, I believe, is the process of choosing happiness. It must be conscious and intentional to rise above all the things that I feel are wrong. These things are like a cloud that obscures the true beauty of what really is. When I look past all that may well be wrong, or through it or simply remove the negative lens, I behold a wonder. I have learned that happiness is not something that happens to me but rather, when I practice appreciating and being thankful for the things that are done or what is said, it is always the inevitable result. This is a process that I believe more of us need to do but we cannot do it for others, they must find their own unique way of making this a reality. In the meantime, I become a magnet for joy and my smile is the evidence!