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Writer's pictureOonagh


confident in the sustaining power of grace

Day 13 of the Fast

This morning I was thinking about the work that I am doing. Is it what I should be doing? Does it utilise my talents to the best of my abilities? Am I aligning my work and efforts with God's Will? And how do I do that? I then began to think of friends of mine and the success they have achieved in their careers and obviously, in making this comparison with my own life I experienced sadness, envy and even some guilt. As I prayed for assistance to accept what I have and am doing, pleaded for contentment with what is, and then asked what virtue would enable me to understand something that I had just read; Grace appeared like a balm to soothe all the irritation, pain and hurt. The card begins with recognising our connection to the Divine and stating that we are loved and provided for in all circumstances. Reading this card really brought a feeling of truly belonging exactly where I am, right now in this very point in my life. I am learning that belonging is a transient state of my mind that is effected greatly by what lens I choose to view the situation from. As I settled in to this feeling and not just letting it wash over me quickly but immersing myself in it, I felt my entire countenance soften. The tension I was feeling in my back, shoulders and the manner in which I was engaging the muscles of my face just relaxed into this sweet softness. This is a reminder that I need daily when I juxtapose what may be perceived success from a material standpoint and then the knowledge and practice of one's own spiritual development and work to that effect. If I perceive this to be a time of trouble, today I am assured that I will be carried through it and need not bleed my energy into the future by being anxious about things or wish that the past was different by constantly running those well worn tapes of my mistakes and missteps. Grace exudes from me when I remember that I am created noble. I sit taller, my gaze is more gentle and I strive for elegance in my thoughts and with my words. When I focus on the illusion of scarcity of life, I fail to see the abundance that surrounds me. I have the power to turn every relationship and communication into a thing of beauty, and today I will use this power!

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