This is the time of year to think about those things to which we aspire be and to accomplish in 2021. 2020 has afforded me much time for looking inward and reflecting upon self improvement, my spiritual practice and what it is I wish to do in this next phase of my life. I read this morning an article about resolutions and was inspired to consider some of the elements suggested that can form part of the process. I loved the concept of trying again, striving to make changed in small incremental ways. In the past I have had high hopes of grand sweeping achievements and not given much thought to the impact of such changes to my daily routine, energy reserves and general well being. Needless to say those aspirations were soon abandoned and I was left with a feeling of failure and self regret believing myself to be less than I am. I see how I did not consider the grace in my deliberations and plans. What would it look like to consider the practices of what it means to strengthen grace in my life in relation to my aspirations? The card mentions opening oneself up to bounty. It implies that what is needed and even wanted, is ours for the taking and is with us always. The question then is how do I become more aware of the bounties that exist for me already and strive to operate from a position of abundance? To me it means, I am provided for in all circumstances in my connection with the Divine. Grace incorporates so many ways of being that in and of itself create a template for resolutions - unconditional love for others, making communication with others a thing of beauty, forgiving others, thinking, moving and speaking with courtesy - all things which I know I want going forward. So as I continue to ponder over the next couple of days I will be sure to let grace carry me through the process.
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