To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by the fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good that is the secret of right living. ~Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian: 32

I have been sent some very clear signs from the universe this morning. My morning meditation encouraged me to view my life from the position of abundance, focusing on what I am blessed to be and have. Then the virtues also centre my thoughts on giving which can only spring from an appreciation for the richness of this life. Immediately, my material circumstances come to mind. Just yesterday I was exasperated at what I do not have, what I want and had a strong desire to make changes to bring what I desired into being. The quotation above caused me to ponder that even if my material circumstances changed there would be something I would inevitably find not suitable. I would seek a change -and on and on. What I am being directed toward is a change of my inner feelings and emotions that drive this scarcity thinking. Do I really believe that I have everything that I need for today? I am susceptible to the pull of the capitalist culture that for its own perpetuation must drive a sense of need. Overt and covert messaging assures me that I need some material thing to live well. What I believe I am asked to do today is override these false messages with ones that will bring me feelings of contentment and joy. When I go about thinking about what I do not have, comparing myself to others and what they have, I lose my way and inevitable negative thoughts take over. Were I to pause, consider if the message is actually true - which it never is - and find one thing to be grateful for, my energy would shift to one of more calm and peace. When I feel that I am lacking in something or other it is difficult to share and receive from others. Autumn is the harvest season, a celebration of the abundance that God has given us. We often laud our bountiful harvest as a metaphor for the goodness of life. So today I will take time to be grateful, to offer my attention to others, listen with love and share what I have. I may not be blessed with many material items to share but I can give of myself and be open to accept the same in return.