O Son of Man! For everything there is a sign. The sign of love is fortitude under My decree and patience under My trials. ~Baha’u’llah, The Hidden Words,

No ones life proceeds with out pain. It is through the things that we endure and suffer that we are offered the opportunity to grow. Suffering finds its meaning in the power to transform and strengthen us in the spiritual aspects of our beings and release us from our preoccupation with the material aspects. I am reading about love in "All about love - New Visions" by bell hooks. It has been a while since I have been so riveted and transfixed by a book but this has me given my cause to look at my behaviour and how I show up in the world. It confirms for me what I read in the Baha'i Teachings and gives me examples that resonate with the inner life I strive to create. It is a call for us to take an honest look at who we are and how we aim to accomplish our lofty aspirations. I see that I can do better, be better, live more consciously. I consider myself somewhat outside the mainstream of society but this book offered me a mirror that exposed how much of what society touts as the manner in which we should act or think are very firmly a part of me. I recognise that the periods of depression that I experience are simply opportunities to grow in fortitude and resist the pull of the material. This is a virtue that I need to take a new look at and practice with more intention. It is at that those times that I do not want to face what life throws at me so I hide. What would happen if I had the courage to face it head on? I could save myself a lot of the prolonged pain that these moments of sadness and withdrawal bring. This is not to say that there is no pain involved, no, there definitely is but to be firm in my resolve that it will pass. I do not stay in my funk indefinitely, I emerge and face life again. This whole process could be shortened. I am on a mission to embrace a love ethic. Doing so as the quote above tells us, will bring pain, struggle and sorrow. It is not something to fear but to know that making the decision to behave ethically in all situations in life nurtures my spiritual growth. It is not easy in the face of so much unethical behaviour but once the onslaught passes - and it always does - we are duly nourished. In facing obstacles and hardship, I strengthen my soul.
If there is one thing I have learned it is that we cannot avoid suffering if we want to grow and learn. We have to go "though" not "around". But the struggle is well worth it.