Naw Ruz!!
It is the first day of the new year! There is a buzz about the morning for me as the anticipation of new beginnings fills the atmosphere. The vernal equinox occurs today and life moves into the exciting phase of growth for us in the northern hemisphere. The question I posed this morning was; what virtue do I need to guide me through this year! Forgiveness is a heavy hitter for me, a virtue that really requires me to dig very deeply into the recesses of my soul and move beyond resentments, attachments, slights and hurts that I carry around with me, weighing heavily on my shoulders and blocking my ability to engage with others wholeheartedly. Right out of the gates the tests come flying in. It tells me that this year is going to require me to work, hard. This is the process of mining, removing the impurities that cover the brilliance of the gem that is forgiveness. I am prone to reliving past hurts over and over in my head, breaking my heart each and every time I think and analyse a past experience. It keeps me in the cycle of pain and imprisons my heart. In this coaching course that I am pursuing, the instructor uses the analogy of keeping my hand on a hot stove instead of removing it. Why do I chose to inflict incessant unnecessary pain on myself continually? What I love about this card is that it gently guides me to release the pain by not making the wrong choice, comment or experience right, but by my own generosity of spirit. It seems counterintuitive almost it is generous to forgive. But that is exactly it, I am restricting my love, my joy and happiness to a soul in a misguided attempt to punish them or even myself for the pain I feel. There are a myriad of changes in store for me, some being brought about by my own choices and others outside of my control. What I know for sure, is that there will be many things said or done, by myself and others, that will require me to be guided by forgiveness. Moving through life this year with a soul carrying all this weight will cripple me, I will therefore do the work to lighten the load.
This lesson is one that is universal to the human condition, one we must all struggle to learn. It's a BIG club. Hugs.