… are thus left to follow their own inclination, … they should take the utmost care that any manner they practise should not acquire too rigid a character, and thus develop into an institution. – Shoghi Effendi, quoted in The Most Holy Book, p. 173.

Many thoughts surfaced on reading this card this morning. Please bear with me as I make an attempt to sort through them and string them together in a coherent fashion. I often have daydreams about the future; what I would like to achieve when a certain outcome is realised and the various iterations of how that may play out. The problem with this is that it is predicated on a certain expectation over which I have no control. I get caught up in such daydreams and then when the outcome is not realised the fall out is emotionally crushing and debilitating. I have been having one of these recurrent day dreams and with this one version of the future, I realised that I am not limited in doing the things only when a certain set of circumstances becomes known. The activities may be undertaken now, I do not have to wait. This was a big "Aha" moment for me. I tend to organise myself according to expectations leaving no possibility for alternative circumstances to adapt to outcomes I had not considered. How important it is to be easily adaptable! My experience over the summer in moving house, is still very much in my thoughts. When I dig in my heels not willing to see the reality of life and make adjustments in my way of being, pain and suffering is the only outcome. As the quotation above states, a rigid character should not be the practice. This lesson is so important for me as I move toward the activities of this weekend. It is a full one and will involve working with many people with varied personalities. The winds of change will be howling amidst our work. Being concerned for myself, I may be open and listen to what is being offered and bend and sway, going with the flow of the consultation and planning. What I have learned from life up until now is that to stand rigid will only result in pain for myself and the relationships I hope to build. We are all growing and learning from one another and from the experiences we co-create together. There is only one life I have control over and that is mine own. When I can let go of the invisible puppet strings of control I tie to other people, outcomes and expectations, then I free myself from the incessant business of being in charge. It is not that I will not be responsible for certain things, but when I want to direct everything a certain way it leaves no wiggle room for unforeseen happenings. Directing those strings becomes exhausting and an exercise in futility. But when I let the strings go and marvel at what people offer with their talent, skills and abilities, I am open to their insight and wonderful things may result. What a delight to welcome in spontaneity and let it lead me to surprising places.