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Writer's pictureOonagh


seeing things through the eyes of faith

There was an unbalance with my start to the day. Things did not go to plan from the very beginning and the negative energy which began to build was sending me spiraling down the rabbit hole of negativity and despair. What drawing this card provided, was a shift in my thinking, an opportunity to view things from another frame of reference, a lens that was not tinted with the phrase; `life is hopeless'. I read that faith gives us the strength to carry on and not succumb to doubt, fear or hopelessness. I paused for a moment to reflect on what was the root cause that was underpinning these powerful negative feelings. I realised that under it all were feelings of unworthiness, a recurring belief that I was not enough and thus life was going the way it goes for one who is not valuable. A fear that I did not matter. Faith calls me to a more elevated plane, it lifts my despair and runs interference between my destructive emotions, reminding me that I was created for a purpose and out of love. How can it then be that I feel that I am not of value? As I am wont to do, I turned to prayer, opening my heart to things that served to dispel the negative emotions and guiding me out of the darkness of the rabbit hole. This may be an exercise I will need to replicate many times today but with faith guiding me, I have the strength to get through it.

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Dec 28, 2020

Your radiance shining through your veils, sometimes it’s brighter. Your radiance is always warm.

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