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Writer's pictureOonagh


opening to sensitivity

Yesterday I completed a few sample sessions of my "virtues coaching" with friends I had reached out to, to assist me in launching this business venture. I was excited going in to each session and left feeling like I did not quite get to the level of connection I desired. As I reflect here, I see that I was so focused on getting the components of the session covered, creating my version of the perfect session, that I had lost sight of the fundamental purpose animating this endeavour; I want to listen to another's soul, provide a vehicle for others to truly listen to themselves and discover the gems that they inherently possess to be extraordinary. In drawing the virtue of empathy this morning, I am reminded that as I take the necessary to steps to prepare myself and my session space, I will be providing the atmosphere for that precious soul to disclose and discover themselves. It need not conform to any particular standard of a 'breakthrough' that I have some how conjured in my mind as what a successful session ought to accomplish, but an opening and a softening toward their own thoughts and feelings. In orienting my thoughts in this way I see how the actions I take around these sessions affect the outcome. I am reminded by the practices that if I am open, compassionate and loving and have a willingness to convey that to others, these sessions will develop a unique quality that is all their own.

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1 komentář

01. 1. 2021

Yes you got it!

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