Man possesses two kinds of susceptibilities: the natural emotions, which are like dust upon the mirror, and spiritual susceptibilities, which are merciful and heavenly characteristics. ~'Abdu'l-Baha

Under the surface of all that we are lies what is essential and true. The means through which we access this trough of grace is by practicing discernment. It is the inner sight that gradually appears when I take the time to be still and ignore the distracting cacophony of all else that dwells on the surface. This past weekend I had an opportunity to understand a little more about my emotions. The presenter was engaging in her delivery but also in the material that she shared what her experience has been. She explained that emotions are very much like colours. There are primary emotions from which the secondary emotions are born. She shared a diamond shape to describe this, the upper points were joy, fear and pain. These emotions constitute the palette from which we create other emotions. The secondary emotions emerge from suppressing joy, fear and pain, from not processing them adequately. As such they metastasize and then we experience anger, jealousy, or frustration. When we take the time to discern which of the primary emotions may be at play and move that emotion through our hearts. Then the secondary emotion dissipates and the resulting emotion we feel is a greater sense of love. It is love that dwells in the middle of the diamond the result of processing the primary emotions. This is a very simplified version of a very wonderful workshop that caused me to pay closer attention to how I walk through this world. Initially, I had decided to only attend for an hour and then participate in a Virtues Project event, but I could not tear myself away. Strengthening in discernment, taking more time for reflection and prayer that is of such a quality that I am able to let myself experience joy, fear and pain and not avoid the resulting feelings from these emotions then I may let more love in. I know from the Baha'i Teachings that I will never be fully rid of those secondary emotions but I may do some work to diminish their intensity. I am so excited about this unexpected discovery. I did not have to pay for these gems of wisdom; it was simply one person letting the Word of God move through them and sharing it with the world. I am feeling joy!!
Wonderful. I also link discernment with insight. You need both to navigate through those emotions and find the current reality.