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Writer's pictureOonagh


I have been dithering around setting up a blog posting website for my virtues musings. Many friends and relatives have been encouraging me for the past two years, but something has been getting in the way of me justing doing it. I have been working on the features of the site for at least the past nine months but something was holding me back. I had thoughts of; well no one is going to want to read what I write - to who am I anyway to set up a site for others to read? who do I think I am! But yesterday it occurred to me that this is not really about who reads it and who doesn't or the criticism it may potentially attract. It is something that I enjoy doing, it brings me joy to write my thoughts around a virtue and why not just share that and let the dust fall where ever it choses. I cannot control what others think but I can do what brings me joy. So I set about completing and editing all the work I had done over the past nine months and took the bold step to push the publish button. It is not polished and glitzy like some websites I visit but then I am not a master website designer. I did used a simple DIY website with the sole aim of sharing my musings with those who may gain something from it. So friends if you would like to view my musings then please head on over to - you will find several that I have uploaded over the past two years there. Diligence energised me to take this bold and somewhat scary step forward and to share it with you all here.

Thank you all for taking the time to read what I post and I hope that you continue to read my virtues musings on the site.

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