Yesterday, I set an intention to seek to soothe my anxiety and frustrating by means which do not involve eating over my discomfort. It was a challenge, as I had found myself using food to numb the discomfort a few days before. These waters are well chartered by me and which have lead me to uncomfortable weight gain and despair. I exacerbated the situation by shopping with one of my sons and restocking the snack cupboard! By the afternoon it seemed as if it was impossible to realise the intention I had set earlier in the day. Re-reading this virtue card helped, s did doing some yoga and sitting in stillness. But the incessant mind chatter was so loud. In that moment my friend, who offered to do a psychological kinesiology session with me, texted. I had forgotten about the whole thing. We both decided to do the session right away. She guided me through specific body positioning, recalling and contemplating the different sources of stress and frustration that were plaguing me. I moved out of my frontal lobe and engaged my entire brain. It took only a short session but the transformation in my thinking and body were remarkable! I felt a sense of spaciousness in my head, a pulsating wave sensation. I followed through on what I said I would do. Yes, I had to dig deep into my reservoir of effort and it was hard! Leaning into the practices of determination propelled me through what I thought were unsurmountable obstacles. It makes me smile to reflect on the whole experience and acknowledge the mystery of getting the exact virtue I needed.
"His (Man's) spiritual powers, being nobler and higher, possess virtues of which nature intrinsically has no evidence; therefore, they triumph over natural conditions." –Abdu’l-Baha,The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 80.