There are situations arising before me, that require me to gird my loins and move forward. This movement or even the prospect of stepping in this direction, fills me with a great deal of apprehension. The conversation that I am required to have is one that requires the depth of feeling and explanation that I have never had with the person concerned and honestly, have no clear idea how to go about beginning. My heart is filled with dread and fear about what to say, how it may be received and any adverse consequences that may ensue. What I know for sure is that without setting this clear picture of what the underlying and foundational aspects maybe behind any future relationship, we may both have vastly differing expectations of what is possible, which is the perfect storm for future conflict and contention. Courage assures me that whatever the consequences that may result from fearless and open conversations of this kind, not saying what needs to be said will result in a false sense of consciousness and unstable ground that will not support a robust and long-lasting relationship. Reaching beyond my comfort zone is a place I have become quite familiar with of late to inhabit, but there is always more, more discomfort, more unease to which I am being called. Circumstances seem to be morphing into more and more complex iterations. All that I have done to date, what I have learned and the experiences that I have had, have equipped me with the capacities and abilities to face this challenge. Detaching from a desired result is the test I must endure. It is often that I have found that these opportunities present themselves to render me stronger and more capable to face what lies ahead. I keep firmly in my mind that I am divinely assisted and if this is not to be my path then that will make itself clear, but if this is the path that I am to travel then it is time to let go of my fears and embrace life's invitation.
I have learned, and am still learning, that the greatest progress comes from the greatest risk. To be terrified but move forward anyway, takes deep courage but the rewards are worth it.
You go girl!