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Writer's pictureOonagh


Little by little, day by day ~'Abdu'l-Baha

I often think that courage is something that I need in situations that have grande outcomes or huge transitional life events that then become significant milestones. Lately, I see that my perspective was altered as I need courage with the mundane, every day activities. It is these small acts of determination, done consistently over time that eventually lead to significant and remarkable transformation. Today courage was getting out of bed to say prayers at dawn. A simple act that has been part of my routine for a long time but also facilitated me getting ready for work and leaving early. Today I do not need to get ready to leave the house for work so what was the significance of the activity? Saying prayers at dawn, meditating and doing a little yoga puts me in the right frame of mind emotionally and physically to face whatever the day may bring. It helps me in my pursuit of eating nutritious meals I have prepared rather than want to dive in to the unhealthy items that reside in my cupboards. It gives me the strength I need to show up for Zoom meetings and other virtual gatherings with energy and enthusiasm to brighten someone else's day. It strengthens my patience and kindness in the daily interactions with my husband and my boys. Courage is taking the steps to do a load of laundry because the whole household will benefit from this act of cleanliness. To take the time to make hot cross buns for my sons because they enjoy them and because I simply did not have the mental energy to make them on Good Friday and over Easter and not eat the whole batch. Courage is taking time to write in a journal and record the things I am grateful for as it helps me to look at the current situation differently and be thankful for this life. Courage is accepting the help and support of friends to get back to my eating routine after having veered sharply off my chosen path for several days. Courage is sharing my growth experience here in this blog even when I know I am not being my best self and am heedless of the virtue I ought to be practicing. It is being uncomfortably vulnerable and knowing that it is all for a good purpose.

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1 Comment

Apr 16, 2020

So true, you have put the virtue of courage into practice. 😍

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