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Writer's pictureOonagh



With the hands of power I made thee and with the fingers of strength I created thee; and within thee have I placed the essence of My light. Be thou content with it and seek naught else, for My work is perfect and My command is binding. Question it not, nor have a doubt thereof. ~Baha'u'llah, The Arabic Hidden Words, No. 12 satisfied, grateful

My husband and I are planning to visit with one of our older sons and his family. It is a reunion that has been long awaited as we will meet his infant twin girls for the first time. So many emotions are surfacing when I reflect on our relationship, the relationship we hope to build with him, his partner and his children. Living in the realm of expectation and story though is not conducive to helping me to navigate through this quagmire. Contentment has me thinking about what I have to give and offer to this relationship. It reminds me to not be concerned with how I am received but to ensure that what I say and do is filled with the utmost love. I found myself thinking about what material things we can bring with us as gifts for their family but in thinking through the lens of contentment, I do not need gimmicks as a token of our love and affection I need to simply show it. Whether the love we have for them is felt or not ought not to be my concern, because it is an arena over which I do not have any control. My power lies in being my loving, thoughtful and kind self. Letting go of the fear that it will not be enough. What is this fear that I feel? It is the fear of being rejected and deemed irrelevant a connection to maintain. This hurts to say because our interaction has been intermittent, devoid of any meaningful connection. But I will find what I search for. How do I infuse these brief precious moments with acceptance of what they as a family are offering? This is the hard work that contentment calls me to today. I may ask for more but I need to free myself from the greed and longing that things could be different. When I am sitting with the desire of wanting more I deprive myself of experiencing what is offered in the moment. Today may be only what is on offer and contentment calls me to not squander this precious opportunity. I may instead be alive to the present moment and glory in the joy of it all! I have everything that I need for meeting this beautiful family today and I will keep the channel of love open to let it flow, unfettered, toward them.

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3 opmerkingen

31 okt 2021

It was lovely visit.

31 okt 2021
Reageren op

Good. I'm so glad.


31 okt 2021

I hope the visit is perfect.

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