The universe knows that this is what I need today and has gifted it to me. It is my last full day in Bermuda, and in my head I am running around trying to get everything done. The committee in my head has settled in to an all day meeting and I can hear the negativity beginning to build. In my morning meditation I learned that positive input nourishes me. I choose to have faith in myself and in life. I believe I am capable and competent to do what needs to be done and will have confidence in my husband and sons to complete our move, I am not alone. To bolster this positive attitude and thoughts, I am reminded of a quotation from the Baha'i Writings:
"I charge you all that each one of you concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. Thoughts of war bring destruction to all harmony, well-being, restfulness and content. Thoughts of love are constructive of brotherhood, peace, friendship, and happiness."