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Writer's pictureOonagh


strengthening my inner integrity

Day 1 of the Fast

It feels as if there are many balls in the air for me at the moment. Many projects begun, left part way through and not completed. I used to think I was a great multitasker, but having too many things on the go at once is draining to my energy. I spend most of my time worrying about how to bring things to a completed state. I am doing many things I care about deeply, some more than others, but there is organisation that must be brought to bear on how it is I am managing my time to ensure that I may strive for excellence in the work I set out to do. As this card appeared for me this morning, on this first day of the Baha'i Fast, I knew it was a virtue I needed to practice more conscientiously. How fitting that it is the one for today to begin this month in the manner I hope it will proceed. In between drinking tea and eating breakfast before sunrise, I set out to complete some of those things that were niggling at me. Getting up earlier gave me those precious moments to attend to these matters and subsequently experience a sense of accomplishment. I had a few minutes to prepare for upcoming meetings and feel as though I would be able to contribute to the discussion in a more informed way. The peace of mind I now feel is making a difference as to how I am going about other aspects of my day. I am feeling a glow of joy that my boys arose this morning to prepare their breakfast before sunrise. It has been my practice to wake everyone to get up and take some sustenance and my heart was warmed that they were up well before sunrise to make themselves a meal. Seeing commitment in action inspires me to go about my day with a sense of focused intention, carrying the responsibility I bear with grace.

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