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Writer's pictureOonagh


Doubts will not push me off course!

I had been wavering in my commitment to complete a written piece that is part of my application for a course. I did the first draft with great enthusiasm and speed and I shared it with friends and family to proof-read and make recommendations for improvement. Their suggestions were very insightful and as I take the time to incorporate them, I know they will enhance the quality of my work. I have been floundering in making these changes. Not because I do not want to, but there is some resistance around sitting down with my laptop and just doing it. I am thankful for drawing commitment today as this written piece was the first thing that sprung to mind. I asked myself; do I really want to do this course? The answer was a resounding yes. I know that when my friends and family made suggestions about my writing I had doubts about my ability to be a suitable course candidate and perhaps those doubts were keeping me from completing my work. Commitment reminds me that these doubts do not have the power to push me off course. I can complete application process and let the selection committee make a decision. This is the only way I will know whether I am suitable or not. Thus, I am diving back into writing.

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