"Believers, he added, must show their belief in their daily lives, so that the world might see the light shining in their faces. . . . If the day be dark, how much a gleam of sunshine is prized; so let believers wear smiling happy faces, gleaming like sunshine in the darkness. Let the Light of Truth and Honesty shine from them, so that all who behold them may know that their word in business or pleasure will be a word to trust and depend upon."
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London, p. 124-125
My plans today involve many encounters with others. It is appropriate and necessary that I adopt a demeanour that is positive and helpful. I find that what I hear about theories of positivity do not go far enough to include the source of that well of happiness within us. What I have read serves to encourage people to create situations and circumstances that may lead to temporal happiness. But what of the times when things contrary to our will occur? Where do we turn at these times? The quotation above directs us to show our belief in our daily lives, I understand this to mean to praise and give thanks to the Creator, to strive to observe and obey the laws of my Faith. It implies that this is where the reservoir of my happiness lives. I can think of times when I have wrestled with my ego and have not wanted to be truthful but my ego lost the fight and I resorted to the truth anyway. Despite the disappointment I or others may have felt, when I reflected on it later there was this warm feeling of unmistakable joy that I had done something right. This I think is from where the enviable state of being cheerful originates. It is not to say that sadness will not visit, it will inevitably do so but when I can be the firefly in the dark night and find a smile amidst the tears, I lift not only my own spirit but also may lift another. It is like possessing sunshine on a cloudy day, it is yours always and you can share it!