"You must come into the knowledge of the divine Manifestations and Their teachings through proofs and evidences. You must unseal the mysteries of the supreme Kingdom and become capable of discovering the inner realities of things. Then shall you be the manifestations of the mercy of God and true believers, firm and steadfast in the Cause of God." ~`Abdu'l-Bahá: Promulgation of Universal Peace*, Pages: 227-228

I have healing sessions each week with a descendant of Quechua Indians. Her insights and suggestions are having a profound effect and it ripples through the entire week, sometimes gently other times more forcefully. Each week I am surprised at the depths of our sessions and what it brings up. It is a practice of clearing out so much of the unnecessary habits acquired over the years that keep me stranded in unproductive thoughts and their resulting actions. Following a session it feels as though a tremendous burden has lifted and cleared the way for truth to enter and take its rightful place. Yesterday, I felt a sensory overload as we explored emotions. How they may be processed and what happens to them we do not take the time to acknowledge them. It was a lot of information and as I worked hard to take it all in, it overflowed in its abundance. In reflection, it is clear that no matter how much information comes my way it will not be of any use unless time is made and effort is exerted to put it into action in real and tangible ways. This is the work that no amount of talking is going to shift. Like cleaning house, it feels wonderful when a deep clean is accomplished and to sit and marvel at it feels satisfying, but continuous cleaning must take place. Perhaps it may not need to be at the same level of intensity as the initial deep cleaning exercise but upkeep is needed on a regular basis to not loose sight of this truth. This is certitude. Standing in certainty that whatever is going on in life, one is loved and may love in the same way, unconditionally. To offer an outpouring of love for no ulterior motive other than because it is the essence with which we are made, allows for a release of prejudice, judgement and isolation. This is what the healing practice opens up, a space to infuse with love and the resulting effect is that the world and the people in it look different. A realisation that to know truth and stand in its power with grace and humility necessitates a clearing out to let the love of God in. It sets a sense of clarity and surety that no matter what comes there is always a way forward. Clarity of thought paves the way for decisive action.
Certitude is one of my biggest challenges.