Creating a routine for a new existence in a slowly becoming familiar but new home, a different town with different community members is an overwhelming process. Not only is there a difference on the outside but within my family too. We are adjusting to my husband's new work schedule and it's demands and my youngest son is looking to continue high school overseas. With the rushing around and adjusting that is happening it has been so very easy to neglect caring for myself and throw myself into ensuring that everyone else is comfortable. I tend to excel in caring for others but when it comes to looking out for myself, this needs more attention. The appearance of the Caring card is a reminder that I can look after others more effectively when I also look after myself. Oftentimes my focus has been on my physical care; adequate sleep, healthy food and exercise. Over the past few years I have been paying closer attention to my emotional health and after the past month of persistent darkness I know that it needs even more tender loving care. I spent an hour yesterday connecting with a friend. I discussed areas of concern and explored pieces of my past by making connections that I had not noticed before. Perhaps this is the effect of dark periods for one to reflect and contemplate the lessons that will serve for a more productive month ahead. It gives me many areas to take a look at more closely and see how I may modify my behaviour so that I am not completely depleting my energy. One practical thing that I may resume is my gratitude journaling. It is a practice that I have not resumed since moving and something that I need to bring into this new house. It is a pleasure to sit and write about the good things, to take the time and see the gifts even in the things that have gone wrong. It is really something magical about the practice as it has the ability to lift my mood. Why then did I put this practice on pause? What is so difficult about putting pen to paper on those dark days? These are the questions for me to consider this month as I strive to bring about balance. My headspace feels more abundant and my vision clearer than it has been so I am tentatively opening up to all this newness and feel more willing to grow.